
Baptism is a meaningful step in an apprenticeship with Jesus, symbolizing a commitment and new life in Jesus. Whether you're exploring or ready to take the next step, we're here to walk with you.



To be baptized, start by watching our Baptism Video (or Kids' Baptism Video for children). After watching, you’ll be able to register for an upcoming baptism service.
We hold baptisms during both our 9 AM and 11 AM Gatherings on the Second Sunday of Every Month.
Ready to take the next step? Watch the video and sign up today!


I was baptized as a child. Should I get baptized again?
We understand that different Christian churches hold varying beliefs about baptism. Some churches allow for infants to get baptized, and other churches emphasize baptism after a personal decision to follow Jesus.
If you were baptized as an infant, we encourage you to honor and appreciate the faith of your parents and the spiritual foundation they might have helped lay. However, we believe the Bible points to a baptism after a personal decision to follow Jesus.
If you have not been baptized since making your own decision to follow Jesus, we invite you to take this important step of faith. Baptism is a public declaration of your relationship with Jesus, and we'd be honored to celebrate baptism with you!
Can my children be baptized?
At Canyon View, we do not baptize infants. We do honor a child's request to be baptized that expresses an understanding to follow Jesus. If this is so, please contact us here at Canyon View and our kids pastor, Olivia, will reach out to you.

We do offer infant and child dedications for kids who are not yet ready to make a personal decision to follow Jesus. In these dedications, parents commit to raising their children in the faith, following the biblical model seen in:
Samuel’s dedication in the Old Testament (1 Samuel 1:21-29)
Jesus’ dedication in the New Testament (Luke 2:21-24)
If you have any questions about child baptism or dedication, we’d love to talk with you!

Should I be baptized again if I was baptized at another church?
"We do not require you to be baptized at Canyon View in order to attend here. We do not see baptism as a commitment to a church, but rather a commitment to Jesus (Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 4:5).

However, when you reflect on your previous baptism and note that it was performed simply as a church ritual (and not a commitment to following Jesus) or at a church outside mainstream Christianity, we encourage you to get baptized as a sign of your faith and commitment to Jesus."
What if I don’t want to get baptized on a Sunday?
We understand that there may be a sense of nervousness about getting baptized in front of people. We also understand that Sunday's may not work for everyone (or a time when all your family is in town). We strongly encourage you to get baptized during our regular Baptism Sunday that takes place during our 9 AM and 11 AM Gatherings on the Second Sunday of each month. Baptism is a time for our church family to celebrate with you what Jesus has been doing in your life, and also come alongside you in your apprenticeship with Jesus.

After considering this, if you would still prefer to be baptized on a different day, please reach out to us. We'll do our best to make arrangements that fit your needs. We'd love to celebrate baptism with you!

If you have someone with a disability who would like to be baptized, please email us to learn more.
Still have questions? Email us at